Focus 2023

Advanced Technologies to enable a sustainable tomorrow.

Epic challenges surround us demanding social, ecological, economic and personal change. In those times it’s creative pioneers who take a conscious, deep breath to rethink the status quo. Driven by a mindset that reflects, settles, and sorts everything, they focus on holistic solutions for a better now and tomorrow. Let’s be pioneers. Be resilient.

We do need to converge and generate bridges focusing a sustainable transfer of that approach. Advanced technologies such as digital tools and additive manufacturing are key roles that enable transformation and innovation.

The 3DPC2023 invited pioneers of all generations with this mindset to use the platform. Present your concepts, projects or new business models to push the boundaries.

Verticals 2023

Find the detailed describtion: for download here


Prize money
of EUR 35.000 kindly supported by the Thuringian Ministry of Economic Affairs Science and Digital Society .

3DPC Trophy
The main prize winner was awarded the "3DPC Trophy". This limited edition design object, created especially for the 3DPC, was developed in 2020 as a project within "3DPC & Friends", in cooperation with the jury member Ross Lovegrove, the winner of "3DPC 2019 Digital" Hyperganic and partner Materialise .

Special Mention by Autodesk Technology Centers
The Autodesk Technology Centers recognized excellence in the 3DPC by providing the opportunity to 3 winners to join the Autodesk Technology Centers Outsight Network - a global community of industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and researchers building future-focused technology in design, AEC, manufacturing, and more that is destined to change our world.
Further information for download here and at Autodesk Technology Centers .

Special Mention "Best Start-Up"
Coaching to scale to the next level
AM Ventures supported 3DPC2023 awarding the „Best Start-Up“.
The winner team can now „Push their business to the next level“ and take advantage of a customized coaching for their company by experts from the AM Ventures team. Depending on the approach they will get input towards „Pitch Coaching“, “Business modell“ or „Scaling“.
AM Ventures invites the winner to a workshop at the AM Venturesheadquarter in Starnberg near Munich, Germany
Find out more about this prize.

3D Printer

Digital tools

  • 3YOURMIND awarded a "3 month software package" of their on-demand manufacturing software to the "Best industrial project".
    Find out more about this prize.

  • nTopology awarded two "nTop full versions "

avedition, the publishers for Architecture and Design handed out design-books for the winners.

The prizes and specials were selected with the partners of the 3DPC & Friends network to support participants in taking the best advantages for their projects.

Special Feature 2023

3D Pioneers Challenge and nTopology were partnering again to give 3DPC participants free access to nTopology. After the successful premiere of this “Special feature” in 2021, 3DPC and nTopology were happy to provide this again to the submitters so that they could benefit to bring their entries to the next level.
nTopology winner of the "3DPC 2020 Digital", supports as part of the 3DPC & Friends network. Participants had the opportunity to obtain a license for the nTop platform as well as additional training materials for designing and producing a submission with this "next generation design & engineering software".

Detailed information see here the nTop blog about the 3DPC cooperation.

Call for entries 23

Download the detailed Formalities in English or Regularien in German


Dr. Julien Payen, Pr. Philippe Marchetti, Pr. Pierre Guerreschi, Dr. Pierre-Marie Danze, Dr. Jaime Destouesse, Chloe Gigon, Kevin Roux, Megann le Rest, Amelia Jordao, Damien Cleret, Shengheng Cao, Jerome Segers, Josue Alovor, Lou Pasquier, Clement Loire, Siham Bouyouaaran, Antonin Debaupt, Ludivine Do, Solemne Demeyere, Florian Plouviez, Lisa Gonzalez, Jumoke Alakinde
3D Printed Helices: simulation insights
Michele Merelli, Massimo Galbiati
Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Lena Vogel
Armstone: Mobile 3D Printing
University College London, Computer Science
Julius Sustarevas
Electric motors thought new - Hybrid AM electric motor housing with optimized cooling structure
ETH Zürich, inspire AG, Siemens
Urs Hofmann, Lorenzo Bono, Lea Kotthoff, Andrin Schmid, Sakin Sivakurunathar, Asbjorn Verlo, Johannes Vögerl, Julian Ferchow, Mirko Meboldt, Markus Schwaben, Rolf Vollmer, Felizitas Heilmann
FLAM / Biological table
Chitonous / Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Stylianos Dritsas- "Robotics", Javier G. Fernandez- "Materials", Cherie Hu "Table Fabrication", Jian Li Hoo- "Table design"
ETH - Zurich
Gramazio Kohler Research (GKR), Chair of Sustainable Construction (CSC), Robotic Systems Lab // (RSL), Dr. Lauren Vasey, Dr. Coralie Brumaud, Julie Assunção, Kunaljit Chadha, Grzegorz Malczyk, Victor Leung, Ananya Kango
Ackeem Ngwenya, Shariff Vreugd
Syenta Printer – Democratising Electronics Manufacturing
Syenta Team – Jekaterina Viktorova, Prof Luke Connal, Zach Dowse, Ben Wilkinson, Zahra Azimi, Grishmi Rajbhandari, Aswani Gopakumar, Andrew Simpson, Tiger Chen, Thanh Pham, Daniel de Waard, Samuel Dietz
Wilson Airless Prototype basketball
Wilson Sporting Goods Co. / Wilson Innovation Center
// Internal Wilson Team: Inventors / Patent Team: Nadine Lippa – Innovation Manager / Project Lead; Kevin Krysiak – Sr. Director, R&D, Wilson Team Sports; Hudson Vantrease – Sr. Manager, Industrial Design; Dave Vogel – Sr. CAD Engineer; Ninad Trifale – Advanced Innovation Manager// Support / Development Team: Bob Thurman – Global Vice President, R&D; Derek Burkhart – Engineering Technician; Chris Kahle – Manufacturing Engineer Manager; Amanda Schoeffler – Sr. Engineer; Marcus Chu – Innovation Manager// Partners: EOS North America, General Lattice, DyeMansion

Special Mention

Armstone: Mobile 3D Printing
University College London, Computer Science
Julius Sustarevas
Electric motors thought new - Hybrid AM electric motor housing with optimized cooling structure
ETH Zürich, inspire AG, Siemens
Urs Hofmann, Lorenzo Bono, Lea Kotthoff, Andrin Schmid, Sakin Sivakurunathar, Asbjorn Verlo, Johannes Vögerl, Julian Ferchow, Mirko Meboldt, Markus Schwaben, Rolf Vollmer, Felizitas Heilmann
ETH - Zurich
Gramazio Kohler Research (GKR), Chair of Sustainable Construction (CSC), Robotic Systems Lab // (RSL), Dr. Lauren Vasey, Dr. Coralie Brumaud, Julie Assunção, Kunaljit Chadha, Grzegorz Malczyk, Victor Leung, Ananya Kango


TESSERAE Pavilion: Human-Scale Adaptive Space Habitat
Aurelia Institute
Sana Sharma, Ariel Ekblaw, Che-Wei Wang, Maggie Coblentz, Max Pommier, Evan Hilgermann
Dr. Julien Payen, Pr. Philippe Marchetti, Pr. Pierre Guerreschi, Dr. Pierre-Marie Danze, Dr. Jaime Destouesse, Chloe Gigon, Kevin Roux, Megann le Rest, Amelia Jordao, Damien Cleret, Shengheng Cao, Jerome Segers, Josue Alovor, Lou Pasquier, Clement Loire, Siham Bouyouaaran, Antonin Debaupt, Ludivine Do, Solemne Demeyere, Florian Plouviez, Lisa Gonzalez, Jumoke Alakinde
Syenta Printer – Democratising Electronics Manufacturing
Syenta Team – Jekaterina Viktorova, Prof Luke Connal, Zach Dowse, Ben Wilkinson, Zahra Azimi, Grishmi Rajbhandari, Aswani Gopakumar, Andrew Simpson, Tiger Chen, Thanh Pham, Daniel de Waard, Samuel Dietz
OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule / IWK Institut für Werkstofftechnik und Kunststoffverarbeitung
Patrick Fässler, Prof. Daniel Schwendemann, Marco Rossi, Daniel Omidvarkarjan, Fuad Miceli
additive tectonics GmbH
additive tectonics: Bruno Knychalla, Xi Li, Pavan Kumar Seru, Melanie Schweiker, Samuel Rosport, Gabriel Lang // Artist: Peter Lang, Gabriele Lang
Dr.-Ing. Jens Butzke, Linda Phetsananh, Birk Schefczik, Christian Ladner, Marius Mischlich
Institut d`Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya
A project of IAAC, the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. In collaboration with Asociación Taula Eix Pere I, Asociación Sun Sun Love y Colectivo ConnectHort And the support of Fundació Bit Habitat Barcelona, Ceramica Cumella, WASP, SIO-2 and Smart Citizen
Latticed Multimaterial Adjustable Dog Prosthesis for Charlie
Brent Wright
ETH - Zurich
Gramazio Kohler Research (GKR), Chair of Sustainable Construction (CSC), Robotic Systems Lab // (RSL), Dr. Lauren Vasey, Dr. Coralie Brumaud, Julie Assunção, Kunaljit Chadha, Grzegorz Malczyk, Victor Leung, Ananya Kango
3DP4ME - Hearing Express Pilot
3dp4me (3d printing for middle east)
Major support comes from Intel, Accenture, BASF, and the Australian Embassy in Jordan. *Audiology/ 3D Printing Experts* - Dr. Brian Fligor (Harvard trained Audiologist) - Markus Stratmann (3D printing expert on ear molds) - Monika Pugliano - CEO, Microsonic (Top ear mold lab in the USA) - Dominic Schmidt – Industry expert on 3D printing *Industry Partners* Cyfex software, Asiga, DETAX, Lantos Technologies *Jordan Partners on the ground* His Royal Highness Prince Mired and Higher Council of Affairs of Persons with Disabilities Institute of Family Health (King Hussain Foundation)
Life and Limb Private Limited
Nishant Agarwal, Prachi Kharb, Madhavrao Vitthal Londhe, Vikram Singh Rana, and Sachin Chauhan
Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Lena Vogel
Institut d`Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya
IAAC Team and Project partners: Colette, WASP, UN-Habitat, BAC Engineering, LaSalle, SmartCitizen, Scuares, Ceramica Cumella and Living Prototypes Research Innovation as well as the team of researchers
ZEM (Zero Emission Mobility)
Stichting Automotive Eindhoven
Adwaith Gopichand, Aharish Kumar, Aknur Tastanova, Arda Gursel, Arwen Hunter, Aurelia Kriwat, Hugo van Hees, Igor Koster, Jacob van Vlimmeren, Jan Bulthuis, Jelmer de Hoop, Joanne Maartense, Lars van Dartel, Maarten van den Elshout, Matheus Tran, Matin Maskitou, Max Schraven, Peter van Vugt, Priyam Dayora, Pruthvi Krishnamurthy, Rinze Custers, Sai Kirutheka Peram, Selen Serhatli, Sem van Bijnderen, Stijn Plekkenpol, Sudarshan Raghuraman, Thijs Reijnders, Thomas Dekkers, Thomas Verheijen, Tiasa Das, Trijntje Willems, Victor Klomp, Yonas van Mierlo
Cure Bionics -A helping hand for life
Cure Bionics
Mohamed Dhaouafi CEO and founder, the Cure Bionics team is composed of talented, highly motivated, and multidisciplinary individuals with expertise in engineering, product design, regulatory affairs, and business development.
World record bicycle. 3D Imagination to 3D reality
Michael Hodson, Ben Matthews, Sam Tooth, Filip Nowak, Gita Krastina-Stables, Dimitris Katsanis
Première Mue
Elodie Michaud, Rebecca Fezard from hors-studio / William Boujon, Julien Benayoun from bold-design
E-Jet – A Human-Hybrid Vehicle
Layer Performance
Lars Piekenbrinck, Mohamad Ali Daher, Lukas Pelzer, Tim Schaffarczyk
Ackeem Ngwenya, Shariff Vreugd
Dinorah Schulte (Co-Founder / Project Director), Edurne Morales (Co-Founder / Computational Design), Montserrat Ayala (Material Research), Maria Pia Assaf (Guest Designer), Eduardo Barba (Co-Founder), Santiago Rangel, Aleida Rahel Merkel, Natalia Juan (Collaborators).
FLAM / Biological table
Chitonous / Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Stylianos Dritsas- "Robotics", Javier G. Fernandez- "Materials", Cherie Hu "Table Fabrication", Jian Li Hoo- "Table design"
LAMAQUINA by noumena team: Aldo Sollazzo, Chirag Rangholia, Eugenio Bettucchi, Mauro Jannone, Francesco Polvi, Hazal Yilmaz, Yara Tayoun, Irea Carballo, Yuliya Galycheva.
Zellerfeld Shoe Fabrication System
Zellerfeld R&D GmbH
Cornelius Schmitt, Ole Kröger, Marc Schömann, Franz Foltin, Ben Martens, Lennard Stoever, Christoph Neumann, Tobias Hergenhan, Mohammad Raad, Aviel Edelstein, Jan Grohmann, Juri Lomann, Julian Danz
Dr. Aneta Wiatrowska, Prof. Fabrizio Torricelli, Lukasz Kosior
Matthias Kampa
Matthias Kampa
3D Printed Helices: simulation insights
Michele Merelli, Massimo Galbiati
SHAPING THE FUTURE OF WINDINGS, 'something that is happening now'
Add To Shape Srl
Dr. Antonio Alessandro Rossi
Giulia Ber Tacchini
Giulia Ber Tacchini, The Woolmark Company, D-house Laboratorio Urbano, Südwolle Group, Stratasys, Shapemode
Julia Koerner, Kais Al-Rawi, Emma Sanson
Electric motors thought new - Hybrid AM electric motor housing with optimized cooling structure
ETH Zürich, inspire AG, Siemens
Urs Hofmann, Lorenzo Bono, Lea Kotthoff, Andrin Schmid, Sakin Sivakurunathar, Asbjorn Verlo, Johannes Vögerl, Julian Ferchow, Mirko Meboldt, Markus Schwaben, Rolf Vollmer, Felizitas Heilmann
Wilson Airless Prototype basketball
Wilson Sporting Goods Co. / Wilson Innovation Center
// Internal Wilson Team: Inventors / Patent Team: Nadine Lippa – Innovation Manager / Project Lead; Kevin Krysiak – Sr. Director, R&D, Wilson Team Sports; Hudson Vantrease – Sr. Manager, Industrial Design; Dave Vogel – Sr. CAD Engineer; Ninad Trifale – Advanced Innovation Manager// Support / Development Team: Bob Thurman – Global Vice President, R&D; Derek Burkhart – Engineering Technician; Chris Kahle – Manufacturing Engineer Manager; Amanda Schoeffler – Sr. Engineer; Marcus Chu – Innovation Manager// Partners: EOS North America, General Lattice, DyeMansion
Skuld LLC
Mark DeBruin, Sarah Jordan, Adam Fasnacht
Interactive performance – robotic arm printing a dress
Fashion Institute of Technology
Lilach Porges
Migration of Matter
Migration of Matter Studio
Cindy Valdez & Nicholas Perillo
Force Flow oriented Fibre Placement for Additive Manufacturing in Construction
Stefan Gantner, Philipp Rennen, Tom Rothe, Christian Hühne, Norman Hack, Institute of Structural Design, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institute of Mechanics and Adaptronics, Technische Universität Braunschweig
BeachCrete - 3D Printed Oyster Concrete
MIT Architecture // Design and Computation Group
Sandy Curth, Natalie Pearl, Skylar Tibbits
Armstone: Mobile 3D Printing
University College London, Computer Science
Julius Sustarevas
Optimised additiv manufactured thermoblock
Technische Universität Darmstadt - Fachgebiet Produktentwicklung und Maschinenelemente
Marco Noack, Kris Rudolph, Moritz Schäfle
The future of composite manufacturing
Colorado State University
Dr. Mostafa Yourdkhani, Dr. Morteza Ziaee, Carter Dojan
Wakanda Forever: Queen Ramonda Crown and Neckpiece by Ruth Carter & Julia Koerner
JK Design GmbH
Julia Koerner, Kais Al-Rawi, Ruth E Carter
Abiogenic Botany.1-3
Yifei Wu
Yifei Wu
Universität Duisburg / Essen
Lennart Bengel


Frank Beckmann

Deputy Head of Institute and Head of Department Virtualization, AM Systems of Fraunhofer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christiane Beyer

Dean of 'Product Development and Design' at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg

Dr. Shajay Bhooshan

B.Arch, M.Arch, M.Phil - Associate Director
Zaha Hadid Architects

Stefanie Brickwede

Managing director project 3D printing/ Head of AM
DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung GmbH ; Managing director Mobility goes Additive e.V - mga

Bas de Jong

Chief Operations Officer at

Lutz Dietzold

Chief Executive Officer
German Design Council

Stephan Galozy

Senior Vice President Product at 3YOURMIND

Sarah Goehrke

Founder Additive Integrity

Pia Harlaß

Head of Marketing Communications,
Brand & Experience at DyeMansion

Arno Held

Managing Partner AM Ventures

Dr. Karsten Heuser

Vice President Additive Manufacturing, Siemens Digital Industries

Prof. Thomas Hundt

CEO jangled nerves

Dr Cordelius Ilgmann

Head of department at Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society

Gil Lavi

Founder & CEO of 3D Alliances

Carina Lebsack

Head of Corporate Sustainability & Circularity
at Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG

Marie-Lucie Linde

Sustainability expert and founding member of the cooperative sustainable natives and Managing Partner at nextblooming gmbh

Ulf Lindhe

Additive Manufacturing Business Innovator -

Ross Lovegrove

Lovegrove Studio

Dr. Cora Lüders-Theuerkauf

Network Manager Medical goes Additive e.V / Mobility goes Additive e.V.

Prof. Shlomo Magdassi

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem _ Science, technology and applications of nanomaterials

Alana Mongkhounsavath

Research Development Manager with Autodesk Research
Autodesk Technology Centers

Kristin Mulherin

Founder & President, AM-Cubed // President, Women in 3D Printing

Joris Peels

Vice President Consulting at SmarTech Analysis and Executive Editor at 3DPrint.com

Sonja Rasch

Sales Director and BD serial production/aerospace at
Materialise GmbH

Peter Rogers

Director – APAC Business Development, Tokyo- Japan, Velo3D,

Virginia San Fratello

Partner at Rael San Fratello and Emerging Objects ,
Chair of the Department of Design at San Jose State University

Dr.-Ing. Sascha Schwarz

Managing Director
TUM Venture Lab Additive Manufacturing

Dr. Dirk Simon


Matthew Spremulli

Research Manager with Autodesk Research Autodesk Technology Centers

Joachim Stumpp


Andreas Velten

IFA3D Medical Solutions GmbH

Christoph Völcker

"Innovation Lab - AM" at
Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG


9th May 2023 – 11th May 2023
Rapid.Tech 3D _ Messe Erfurt

3DPC exhibition and award ceremony at the place to be for exchanging AM expert knowledge.

19th Jun 2023 – 20th Jun 2023
3D KonzeptLabs, Verband 3D Druck e.V., Berlin

Making new topics and trends accessible to a broad audience and initiating discourse - this is how the guiding principle "Think ahead. Network. Advance." / "Vordenken. Vernetzen. Voranbringen. " can also be formulated. The 3DKonzeptLabs take place once a year- also including the exhibition of the 3DPC finalists and winners and giving them a stage also with talks.

3rd Jul 2023 – 5th Jul 2023
AM Forum, Berlin

Simone Völcker, our founder, was giving the impuls talk at the WomeninAM luncheon whilst the AM Forum Berlin.

26th Sep 2023 – 27th Sep 2023
MGA Annual Meeting + Women in AM Summit

MGA once again welcomes their members, friends of the network and AM enthuiasts to the MGA Annual Meeting & the Women in AM Summit in Berlin. Exhibits of the 3DPC2023 are on roadshow at this networking event.

27th Sep 2023 – 27th Sep 2023
3DDruckCafé of the Verband 3DDruck e.V. in the Paul-Löbe-Haus, Deutscher Bundestag

The projects of the 3DPC2023 finalists will be presented by our partner Verband3DDruck at the Deutscher Bundestag to push the topic of additive manufacturing and its potential also towards politics.

14th Nov 2023 – 16th Nov 2023
ELMIA Subcontractor Jönköping/Sweden

"Highly advanced materials for a circular world". On behalf of the Swedish trade fair Subcontractor, Haute Innovation will curate the special area “Innodex” and present material innovations for the supplier industry in the circular economy. Also 3DPC2023 Finalists and winners will be presented within that exhibition.

1st Dec 2023 – 2nd Dec 2023
AMTECH – 3D Printing Exhibition and Conference, Hyderabad - India

The 3DPC roadshow stops by in India - at the AMTECH, the 3D Printing Exhibition and Conference in Hyderabad.3DPC is part of the German Pavilion. German Companies like Fraunhofer, the Rapid.Tech3D and also 3D Pioneers Challenge will be represented. 3DPC2023 winners and finalist are on stage- as well as also the Indian participants "LIfe and Limb" from 2022 and 2023.AMTech is India’s largest business networking platform for Additive Manufacturing Technology, where you can experience the 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing Technology ecosystem. See cutting-edge exhibits, learn from expert led conferences, network with the industry to make an informed choice on where AM fits into your product process.

