Focus 2022

Convergence - disruptive and established industries meet to create a responsible future

When complementary fields join forces, this convergence can evolve to something meaningful.
Additive manufacturing has more than achieved a “proof of concept” status throughout the last decade. Disruptive technologies offer a whole range of functional, project-specific one-offs and have been tested in numerous verticals.
The established industry faces rising challenges of their future-proof and social impact and the need of responsible manufacturing. Not least the Green Deal is pushing to respond to the inevitable development towards sustainability.
Advanced technologies such as 3D printing can enable solutions to this challenge – when implementing them strategically into established processes.
The concept of sustainability has multilayered implications – ranging from the economic to ecologic. But, underpinning all of these layers is that sustainability needs to appeal-to, and be driven by a responsible human mindset.

The 3D Pioneers Challenge addresses pioneers brave enough to pave the path for technology-transfer that will enable sustainable production in the future. This technology-transfer is unlocked as a spectrum ranging from those who take wise-incremental steps in established industry, to those who are inventing brand new concepts in the entrepreneurial start-ups and academic sectors.

3DPC invites you to use the platform. Present. Meet. Converge – to create together a better, responsible future. Let´s be pioneers and push the boundaries.

Verticals 2022

Find the detailed describtion: for download here

Special Feature 2022

3D Pioneers Challenge and nTopology are partnering again to give 3DPC participants free access to nTopology. After the successful premiere of this “Special feature” in 2021, 3DPC and nTopology are happy to provide this again to the submitters so that they can benefit to bring their entries to the next level.
nTopology winner of the "3DPC 2020 Digital", supports as part of the 3DPC & Friends network. Participants have the opportunity to obtain a license for the nTop platform as well as additional training materials for designing and producing a submission with this "next generation design & engineering software".
Detailed information about this special feature please see here the nTop blog about the 3DPC cooperation.



Bellow rail brake – Functionally integrated fail-safe-closed AM brake for Hyperloop
ETH Zürich, inspire AG
Urs Hofmann, Julian Ferchow, Philipp Keller, Lukas Rother, Konstantinos Sarigiannidis, Aurel Schüpbach, Michael Zanetti, Mirko Meboldt
WASP _ TECLA, the eco-sustainable 3D printed habitat / Dior Concept Store .
Wasp / MC A – Mario Cucinella Architects / MC A and WASP, supported by Mapei, Milan Ingegneria, Capoferri, Frassinago, RiceHouse, Lucifero’s.
Burg Giebichenstein, Kunsthochschule Halle
Shuyun Liu, Stefanie Putsch
Multi-axis robot-based bioprinting system supporting natural cell function preservation and cardiac tissue fabrication
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Innovation Academy of Seed Design, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing CHINA // University of Manchester UK // Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing CHINA
Zeyu Zhang, Chenming Wu, Chengkai Dai, Qingqing Shi, Guoxin Fang, Dongfang Xie, Xiangjie Zhao, Yong-Jin Liu, Charlie C.L. Wang, Xiu-Jie Wang
CONCR3DE _ Studio Mixtura
Daria Biryukova, Eric Geboers, Matteo Baldassari, Peter Hoendermis
Partbox - Click and Print
Schubert Additive Solutions GmbH
Conrad Zanzinger, Janis Heidel, Ann-Kathrin Müller, Moritz Schmitz, Jörg Brenner, Marcus Schindler
Tanaruz Boats
Raw Idea
Alexey Shifman (Co-owner), Hans Franke (Co-owner), Lars Breugelmans (Design and Production Engineer)
Setae Jacket for Chro- Morpho Collection by Stratasys
Julia Körner | JK Design GmbH
Designer: Julia Koerner | JK Design GmbH Director of Operations: Kais Al-Rawi Design Team: Eunice Han, Chenming Jiang, William Qian 3D Printed by: Stratasys Stratasys Creative Director: Naomi Kaempfer -- Video Director & Producer: Maximilian Haidbauer Cinematography: Blair Madigan Music: Viramaina ‘Lights’ Photography: Ger Ger Model: Amelia Grace Zerbe Model Agency: Freedom Models LA Makeup: Sara Tagaloa Hair: Tiago Goya
Future Electric Motor Systems 3 (FEMS3) - Aerospace Motor
Manufacturing Technology Centre
Ollie Hartfield, Stuart Watt, Dan Walton, Laura Drake, Elliot Brooks, Thomas Thorpe, Matt Rawlins.

Special Mention

FLOWall - Ecological and Individualised Coastal Protection
ITE - Institut für Tragwerksentwurf _ TU Braunschweig
Robin Dörrie, Gabriela Kienbaum, Vittoria Laghi, Lidiana Arrè, Neira Babovic, Harald Kloft, Norman Hack
Bellow rail brake – Functionally integrated fail-safe-closed AM brake for Hyperloop
ETH Zürich, inspire AG
Urs Hofmann, Julian Ferchow, Philipp Keller, Lukas Rother, Konstantinos Sarigiannidis, Aurel Schüpbach, Michael Zanetti, Mirko Meboldt
CONCR3DE _ Studio Mixtura
Daria Biryukova, Eric Geboers, Matteo Baldassari, Peter Hoendermis


CONCR3DE _ Studio Mixtura
Daria Biryukova, Eric Geboers, Matteo Baldassari, Peter Hoendermis
Lifechanging Lattice Prosthesis by LifeNabled
Brent Wright CP
Partbox - Click and Print
Schubert Additive Solutions GmbH
Conrad Zanzinger, Janis Heidel, Ann-Kathrin Müller, Moritz Schmitz, Jörg Brenner, Marcus Schindler
Maple seed - laser additve manufactured ultralightweight structure
TU Darmstadt
Maximilian Klyk
Tomas Bata University
Lucie Trejtnarova // supervisor: Ivana Kanovska, Eva Klabalova CZE

Sandhelden GmbH & Co.KG
Stefan Bassing (Designer), SANDHELDEN Team (Laurens Faure, Carlos del Castillo)
Multi-axis robot-based bioprinting system supporting natural cell function preservation and cardiac tissue fabrication
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Innovation Academy of Seed Design, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing CHINA // University of Manchester UK // Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing CHINA
Zeyu Zhang, Chenming Wu, Chengkai Dai, Qingqing Shi, Guoxin Fang, Dongfang Xie, Xiangjie Zhao, Yong-Jin Liu, Charlie C.L. Wang, Xiu-Jie Wang
Trekking Backpack
Andreas Knöchel, Leonhard Klein, Christian Mädrich
Mar Amengual, Carla Barrientos, Pau Gual, Romina Milesi, Emili Taixés
Life and Limb Private Limited
Nishant Agarwal, Prachi Kharb, Divyajyothi Pandey, Sachin Chauhan
Bagu - The Swell Bag
Wichita State University
William Johnston, Janith Kankanamalage, Maria Jose Carrillo Munoz, Brittany Wojciechowski, Amulya Lomte, Julia Buie, and Prof. Bhisham Sharma
RO.GA. srl
RO.GA. SRL (Rosario Gagliano, Stefano Colaleo), M.Arts srls (Davide Calebrano, Dario Tumino, Cristian Li Voi)
3d supernova
Markus Trappe, Manuel Ziegenbalg, Mirko Bobe, Tom Nowak
Wageningen University & Research
Elias Hernandez Valera PhD Candidate - Wageningen University and Research. Co-Founder - Head Of Research And Development at Astro Mx 3D printing. // Miguel Israel Olvera Zamitiz Co-founder and General Director at Astro Mx // Luis Ángel Guzman López 3D engineer at Astro Mx // Marco Paulo González Ruiz Intern 3D engineer at Astro Mx
CREATE - University of Southern Denmark
Roberto Naboni, Luca Breseghello
WASP _ TECLA, the eco-sustainable 3D printed habitat / Dior Concept Store .
Wasp / MC A – Mario Cucinella Architects / MC A and WASP, supported by Mapei, Milan Ingegneria, Capoferri, Frassinago, RiceHouse, Lucifero’s.
GreenAxe 3D printed wood guitar
University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab
Olaf Diegel
Setae Jacket for Chro- Morpho Collection by Stratasys
Julia Körner | JK Design GmbH
Designer: Julia Koerner | JK Design GmbH Director of Operations: Kais Al-Rawi Design Team: Eunice Han, Chenming Jiang, William Qian 3D Printed by: Stratasys Stratasys Creative Director: Naomi Kaempfer -- Video Director & Producer: Maximilian Haidbauer Cinematography: Blair Madigan Music: Viramaina ‘Lights’ Photography: Ger Ger Model: Amelia Grace Zerbe Model Agency: Freedom Models LA Makeup: Sara Tagaloa Hair: Tiago Goya
Biofunktionelle Kunststoffimplantate durch 3D-Druck
Matthias Katschnig, Ute Schäfer, Clemens Holzer, Ulrike Zefferer, Gord von Campe, Silke Patz, Werner Balika, Gerd Leitinger, Gerda Grünbacher, Birgit Payr, Florian Arbeiter, Mladen Sercer
C2C bike frame
Canyon Bicycles GmbH
Peter Kettenring, Christopher Herd, Johannes Thumm
Tanaruz Boats
Raw Idea
Alexey Shifman (Co-owner), Hans Franke (Co-owner), Lars Breugelmans (Design and Production Engineer)
Meristem Wall
Lund University, Dept. of Architecture and Built Environment
David Andréen, Ana Goidea, Anton Tetov Johansson
3D screen printed QR codes on tablets
Laxxon Medical
Marcel Enke, Klaus Kuhne, Stefan Seyferth, Dagmar Fischer, Achim Schneeberger
SKOP 3D Printed Stethoscope
Henkel, WeMed, Third
FLOWall - Ecological and Individualised Coastal Protection
ITE - Institut für Tragwerksentwurf _ TU Braunschweig
Robin Dörrie, Gabriela Kienbaum, Vittoria Laghi, Lidiana Arrè, Neira Babovic, Harald Kloft, Norman Hack
Formwork free 3D printed squinch vaults
Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Twente Additive Manufacturing
Alexander Curth, Tim Brodesser, Caitlin Mueller, Lawrence Sass
Hybrid additive fabrication of biocomposite structures for large-scale self-shaping
Institute for Computational Design and Construction ICD
Tiffany Cheng, Dylan Wood, Laura Kiesewetter, Eda Özdemir, Karen Antorveza, Achim Menges
Bellow rail brake – Functionally integrated fail-safe-closed AM brake for Hyperloop
ETH Zürich, inspire AG
Urs Hofmann, Julian Ferchow, Philipp Keller, Lukas Rother, Konstantinos Sarigiannidis, Aurel Schüpbach, Michael Zanetti, Mirko Meboldt
Conductive Elastic and Porous 3D Printing FIlament for wearable sensors and devices

Harris Matzaridis
ETH Zurich
Block Research Group (BRG), Zaha Hadid Architects - Computation and Design Group (ZHACODE), incremental3D, Holcim
3d printed foodshells
CURRANT 3D & Sugar Lab (legal name is Culinary Printworks, Inc.)
Kyle von Hasseln, Meagan Bozeman, William Hu, James Cho, James Bickmore Hutt
Sam Saddle
Sebastian Hess, Lino Lehner, Harald Wenzelburger
Variable stiffness
TU Delft, Robotic Building Lab
Henriette Bier and Arwin Hidding
Future Electric Motor Systems 3 (FEMS3) - Aerospace Motor
Manufacturing Technology Centre
Ollie Hartfield, Stuart Watt, Dan Walton, Laura Drake, Elliot Brooks, Thomas Thorpe, Matt Rawlins.
WAAM Clamp
Project Lead: MX3D - Thomas Van Glabeke / Use Case & Pressure Test: TEAM - Simon van der Harst / Materials & Certification: MX3D - Stivell Hemon / Non Destructive Test (NDT): TiaT - André Elling / Material Testing: BWI / Belgium Welding Institute / 3D Printing: MX3D - Juri Weber / Certification Expertise: LRQA - Lloyd’s Register
Cell runner
Georg Simon Ohm Hochschule
Kledis Kurmemaj


Frank Beckmann

Substitute institute director and head of the department Autonomous Systems, AM Systems of Fraunhofer IAPT

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christiane Beyer

Dean of 'Product Development and Design' at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg

Zoé Bezpalko

Autodesk Sustainability Strategy Manager, Design & Manufacturing

Shajay Bhooshan

B.Arch, M.Arch, M.Phil, Associate Director Zaha Hadid Architects

Mario Brandenburg

MoP, Spokesman for the free democrates for science, technology and innovation in the German Bundestag

Stefanie Brickwede

Managing director project 3D printing/ Head of AM
DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung GmbH ; Managing director Mobility goes Additive e.V

Alejandro Delgado

Senior 3D Design Expert Innovation _ HUGO BOSS

Lutz Dietzold

Chief Executive Officer
German Design Council

Diana Drewes

Biodesigner at
HAUTE INNOVATION , material developer
Technology scout, author, teacher
Expert in biofabrication with fungi, proteins and bacteria

Carsten Feller

State secretary for Business, Universities and Digital
Thuringian Ministry of Economic Affairs Science and Digital Society

Pia Harlaß

Head of Marketing Communications,
Brand & Experience at DyeMansion

Arno Held

Managing Partner AM Ventures

Dr. Karsten Heuser

Vice President Additive Manufacturing, Siemens Digital Industries

Prof. Thomas Hundt

CEO jangled nerves

Gil Lavi

3D Alliances Founder & CEO

Carina Lebsack

Head of Corporate Sustainability & Circularity
at Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG

Marie-Lucie Linde

Sustainability expert and founding member of the cooperative sustainable natives and Managing Partner at nextblooming gmbh

Ross Lovegrove

Studio Lovegrove

Dr. Cora Lüders-Theuerkauf

Network Manager Medical goes Additive e.V / Mobility goes Additive e.V.

Prof. Shlomo Magdassi

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem _ Science, technology and applications of nanomaterials

Joris Peels

Vice President Consulting at SmarTech Analysis and Executive Editor at 3DPrint.com

Michael Petch

Editor-in-chief 3D Printing Industry 3D Printing Industry

Sonja Rasch

Sales Director and BD serial production/aerospace at
Materialise GmbH

Virginia San Fratello

Partner bei Rael San Fratello und Emerging Objects,
Vorsitzende des Fachbereichs Design an der San Jose State University

Prof. Patrik Schumacher

Principal Zaha Hadid Architects

Dr. Dirk Simon


Matthew Spremulli

Innovation Development Manager, Autodesk Research:
Technology Centers

Joachim Stumpp

Director raumPROBE

Andreas Velten

IFA3D Medical Solutions GmbH

Christoph Völcker

"Innovation Lab - AM"at Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG


17th May 2022 – 19th May 2022
Rapid.Tech3D, Messe Erfurt

3DPC2022 Exhibition of the finalists and winners as well as talks whilst the conference. As highlight the award ceremony, on-site.

30th Jun 2022 – 1st Jul 2022
Verband3DDruck - Berlin - 3DKonzeptLabs 2022

3DPC finalists, winners and jury members were part of 3DKonzeptLab2022.

11th Oct 2022 – 12th Oct 2022
MGA annual Meeting - Roadshowstop 3DPC

On 12 & 13 October, "Mobility goes Additive" will host the "Women in AM Summit" and the "MGA Annual Meeting" in Berlin. The network welcomes its members and friends of the 3D printing community for an open exchange on current topics and innovation. In addition to exciting keynotes, for example on printing in the German Navy, the integration of AM in the production of high-speed trains, the connection between AI and AM and much more, this year there will be an exhibition of start-ups - the perfect opportunity to discover new business opportunities!

15th Nov 2022 – 17th Nov 2022
Haute Innovation / Elmia Subcontractor Trade Show, Jönköping/Schweden

Highly advanced materials for a circular and digital worldThe Subcontractor is the highlight for the technical supply industry of the trade fair company ELMIA in Jönköping. The event is one of the leading events for the manufacturing industry in Northern Europe and Scandinavia and is the contact point for decision-makers, engineers and designers.On behalf of the Swedish trade fair company ELMIA, HAUTE INNOVATION has been commissioned to implement a special area on the latest innovations for the industry under the title “Highly advanced materials for a circular and digital world” on the occasion of the fair.Happy to be on the road with Haute innovation.


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